Quality Assurance

Although facilities that only cultivate do not require a quality assurance person according to the Cannabis Regulations, many feel the need for some guidance to ensure they are following all the requirements. GMP Global recommends some part-time QAP assistance to ensure full compliance prior to any Health Canada audit.

We have found that the majority of facilities Quality Management Systems (QMS) are too labour intensive when compared to the Cannabis Regulations. There are just too many forms to fill out that are redundant and have no value added. Allow us as a qualified third party to review your current QMS to optimize and make them more efficient, which will drive down QA labour cost.

We also have been submitting applications to Health Canada for cultivation, processing, sales for medical purposes, and nursery licensing since 2014.

Why Choose GMP Global

Head of Compliance has over 23 years of experience auditing QMS and running small & large QA departments

QAP has been approved by Health Canada

Successfully navigated all Health Canada audits